The theme of 2019 edition of Dysco is"Cell migration : Swimming versus Crawling" and will take place on March 18th & 19th at hotel Mercure, Deux Alpes.
The Federative Structure of Research DYSCO is an association of teams belonging to different interdisciplinary laboratories covering a broad but coherent spectrum of themes, created in 2003 in the form of PPF (Plan Pluri Formation) it has become FSR (Structure Federative Research) since 2012. DYSCO has been at the origin of numerous interactions between laboratories that have given rise to several publications and joint theses.
Scientific committee
Coordinateur : Chaouqi MISBAH Comité de pilotage : Hugues Bodiguel (LRP), Charles Dapogny (LJK), Christian Geindreau (3SR), Giovanni Ghigliotti (LEGI), Karin John (LIPHY), Marc Léonetti (LRP), Emmanuel Maitre (LJK), Ludovic Métivier (LJK), Arnaud Millet (IAB), Salima Rafai (LIPHY), Pierre Récho (LIPHY), Angélique Stéphanou (TIMC)